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01 - Le Conseil de l'Atlantique Nord Anglais
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10744 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Archives Committee

The records in the AC/324 chronological series reflect the work undertaken under the auspices of the Archives Committee, especially in the initial development of the NATO Archives Service and development of NATO information management and public disclosure policies. The information items primarily comprise of: Archives Committee Annual Reports to the Council, draft archives policy proposals and working papers, Archives Committee meet...

Comité des archives

Planning Board for Ocean Shipping

The records in this series consist of agendas, minutes, reports, and other correspondence tabled at the plenary meetings of AC/271. The reports include technical and statistical studies on shipping capacity, financial arrangements, war risk insurance and other matters relating to merchant shipping.

Bureau d’étude des transports océaniques

Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport (PBEIST)

Documents in the AC/15 chronological series report on the work of the PBEIST on the one hand, its relations with its subordinate sub-committees and with the SCEPC on the other hand. These include administrative and technical documents. The work of the PBEIST dealt mainly with PBEIST programmes of work and annual activity reports to the SCEPC, programmes of work and activity reports or memoranda of PBEIST sub-committees, (excerpts of)...

Bureau d'étude des transports intérieurs de surface

Defence Planning Committee

The documents in the DPC chronological series contain information about the DPC’s core activities. This includes committee meetings and decisions; strategy; ministerial guidance; organization of ground, naval and air forces; nuclear forces; national defence programmes, plans and reviews; defence problems; force proposals; force goals for individual nations; mutual and balanced force reductions; infrastructure; financing and common fu...

Comité des plans de défense

Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport - Ports, Beaches and Inland Waterways Transport Sub-Committee (PB/IWT)

This sub-sub-series consists of those records of the Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport Sub Committee on Ports, Beaches, and Inland Waterways (AC/15(PB-IWT) between 1966 and 1988 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a range of subjects discussed by the sub committee, including but not limited to, different types of cargo handling a...

Bureau d'étude des transports intérieurs de surface en Europe - Sous-comité permanent sur ports et plages et voies navigables intérieures (PB/IWT)

Petroleum Planning Committee

Documents in the AC/12 chronological series report on the work of the PPC and its relations with its subgroups. These include administrative and technical documents.The former are mainly terms of reference and meeting records of PPC subcommittees, programmes of work and annual activity reports from the PPC to the SCEPC, PPC meeting records for the SCEPC, and documents on the selection and appointment of staff in bodies affiliated wit...

Comité d'étude des produits pétroliers

Conference of National Armaments Directors

This series consists of those records of the Conference of National Armament Directors (CNAD or AC/259) between 1967 and 19939 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a wide range of subjects across the fields of armaments, and defence research and production. As the body responsible for the three Service Armament Groups, the Defence Research Group, a...

Conférence des directeurs nationaux des armements

NATO Industrial Advisory Group

This series consists of those records of the NATO Industry Advisory Group (NIAG) between 1968 and 2018 which have been declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a wide range of subjects in which national industries are involved in researching, developing, and producing armaments for NATO member nations. As a consultative body, the NIAG drawing on largely private sector experience has ...

Groupe consultatif industriel OTAN

Industrial Planning Committee

This Sub-series consists of those records of the Industrial Planning Committee between 1959 and 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The subject matter is mostly related to wartime contingency planning for industrial recovery, wartime distribution of commodities, information collection and standards to facilitate distribution, and records related to regular civi...

Comité de planification industrielle

NATO Naval Armaments Group

This sub series consists of those records of the NATO Naval Armaments Group (NNAG or AC/141) between 1958 and 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover the research, development, and production of a wide range of maritime armaments, most of which are used by the navies of NATO Member Nations. These armaments include, but are not limited to hydrofoi...

Groupe OTAN sur l'armement des forces navales

NATO Air Force Armaments Group

This series consists of those records of the NATO Air Force Armaments Group (NAFAG or AC/224) between 1958 and 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover the research, development and production of a wide range of armaments and systems for aerial warfare, including but not limited to low level detection; air to surface weapons; detection of IRBMs; el...

Groupe OTAN sur l'armement des forces aériennes

NATO Army Armaments Group

This series consists of those records of the NATO Army Armaments Group (NAAG or AC/225) between 1963 and 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover the research, development, and production of a wide range of armaments and systems for land warfare, including but not limited to artillery, tanks, armoured vehicles, land mines, ballistics, small arms, b...

Groupe OTAN sur l'armement des forces terrestres

NATO Naval Armaments Group - Information Exchange Group 4 on Maritime Air

This sub-series consists of those records of the NATO Naval Armaments Group Information Exchange Group on Naval Air (AC/141(IEG/4) from 1967 to 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a range of armaments and systems studied by (AC/141(IEG/4) The subjects include, but are not limited to, shipborne aircraft, employment of helicopters in naval opera...

Groupe OTAN sur l'armement des forces navales - Groupe d'échange de renseignements no 4 sur l'aviation maritime

Food and Agriculture Planning Committee

This sub-sub series consists of those records of the Food and Agriculture Planning Committee between 1952 and 1989 that have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover supply issues, coordinating national supply data, availability of fertilizers, national and international stockpiling and storage, and the protection of foodstuffs from the effects of nuclear, chemica...

Comité d'étude pour le ravitaillement et l'agriculture

Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions Working Group

While the Council, the Senior Political Committee, the Military Committee and other Military Authorities were involved in setting out NATO's position in the negotiations, most of the detailed work on MBFR was carried out by the Working Group and its sub groups. It developed models of reduction and provided technical analysis and evaluation to the North Atlantic Council on matters related to MBFR. It also supervised the work of the va...

Groupe de travail sur les réductions mutuelles et équilibrées de forces

MBFR Ad Hoc Group in Vienna

The AGV series consists of reports prepared by the Chairman of the MBFR Ad Hoc Group in Vienna which were then circulatedby the Secretary General to the members of the NATO Council. The reports were issued on a weekly basis and summarized the various discussions taking place in Vienna.

Groupe ad hoc sur les MBFR (Vienne)

Defence Research Group

This series consists of those records of the Defence Research Group (DRG or AC/243) between 1964 and 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a wide range of scientific and technological matters studied by the Group for the purpose of providing research advice to the NAC and the Military Committee. The subjects include, but are not limited to, Nuc...

Groupe sur la recherche pour la défense

Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport - Permanent Road Transport (RT) Sub-Committee

This sub-sub-series consists of the records of the Planning Board on European Inland Surface Transport (PBEIST) Working Group on Road Transport (AC/15(RT) between 1953 and 1988 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records consist largely of documents and working papers covering a wide range of road transport issues, including but not limited to, standardization of...

Bureau d'étude des transports intérieurs de surface en Europe - Sous-comité permanent "Transports Routiers" (RT)

NATO Naval Armaments Group - Information Exchange Group 1 on Above Water Warfare

This sub-series consists of those records of the NATO Naval Armaments Group Information Exchange Group on Above Surface Warfare (AC/141(IEG/1) from 1967 to 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a range of armaments and systems studied by (AC/141(IEG/1) The subjects include, but are not limited to, both Short and Medium Range Ship to Air Missiles...

Groupe OTAN sur l'armement des forces navales - Groupe d'échange de renseignements no 1 sur la lutte en surface et au-dessus de la surface

Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport - Southern Europe Regional Sub-Committee

This sub-sub series consists of those records created by the Regional Permanent Southern Europe Sub-Committee (AC/15(SE)) between 1955 and 1989 that have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme (PDD). The records relate to road, railway, and water transportation systems in Southern Europe, including vulnerability to nuclear weapons, recovery from attack, demolition, and alternate m...

Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport - Southern Europe Regional Sub-Committee

NATO Naval Armaments Group - Information Exchange Group 2 on Undersea Warfare

This sub-series consists of those records of the NATO Naval Armaments Group Information Exchange Group on Underwater Warfare (AC/141(IEG/2) 1967 and 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a range of armaments and systems studied by (AC/141(IEG/2) The subjects include, but are not limited to, Torpedoes, Sonar, Sonar buoys; Anti-Submarine Helicopte...

Groupe OTAN sur l'armement des forces navales - Groupe d'échange de renseignements no 2 sur la lutte sous-marine

NATO Naval Armaments Group - Information Exchange Group 3 on Mines and Mine Countermeasures

This sub-series consists of those records of the NATO Naval Armaments Group Information Exchange Group on Mines and Mine Countermeasures (AC/141(IEG/3) from 1967 to 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a range of armaments and systems studied by (AC/141(IEG/3) The subjects include, but are not limited to, Mine Warfare, Deep Water Mines, Deep Sw...

Groupe OTAN sur l'armement des forces navales - Groupe d'échange de renseignements no 3 sur les mines et la lutte contre les mines

NATO Naval Armaments Group - Information Exchange Group 5 on Tactical Control and Data Handling

This sub-series consists of those records of the NATO Naval Armaments Group Information Exchange Group on Tactical Control and Data Handling (AC/141(IEG/5) from 1967 to 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a range of armaments and systems studied by (AC/141(IEG/5) The subjects include, but are not limited to, ship systems integration; advanced ...

Groupe OTAN sur l'armement des forces navales - Groupe d'échange de renseignements no 5 sur le contrôle tactique et la manipulation des données

Defence Research Group - Panel on Physics and Electronics

This sub series consists of those records of the Defence Research Group Panel on Physics and Electronics (AC/243(P3) between 1967 and 1989 that have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover the work of the panel in directing a number of Research Study Groups (RSG) assigned to examine specific aspects of the interaction of physics and electronics. The records docu...

Groupe sur la recherche pour la défense - Commission sur la physique et l'électronique

Committee for European Airspace Coordination

This series consists of those records created by the Committee for European Air Space Coordination (CEAC or AC/92) between 1955 and 1988 that have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme (PDD). The records relate to the joint civilian-military management of European air space and air traffic control for the conduct of NATO military exercises and manoeuvres and other measures requir...

Comité de coordination de l'espace aérien européen

Economic Committee - Working Group on the Ex Post Facto Notification of Officially-backed Export Credits of over Five Years to Communist Countries

The documents in the AC/127(NEC) series consist of ex post facto notifications of credits of more than five years made by the member nations.

Comité économique - Groupe de travail sur la notification ex post facto des crédits à l’exportation de plus de cinq ans accordés à des pays communistes avec un soutien officiel

Civil Aviation Planning Committee

This sub series consists of records of the Civil Aviation Planning Committee (AC/107) between 1956 and 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme.The subject matter of the records in this sub-series covers the entire range of the responsibilities of the AC/107, including but not limited to the protection of civilian aircraft, use of civilian aircraft by military authori...

Comité d'étude de l'aviation civile

Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS)

The archives of the AC/274 chronological series report on the work of the CCMS, in particular follow-up of the various programmes supported by the Committee. Various types of administrative documents can be found there. Records (R) are reports on the regular or plenary meetings of the CCMS. They address either general policy matters or the review of the pilot study programme over a given period. They are the committee’s reference doc...

Comité sur les défis de la société moderne (CDSM)

Atlantic Policy Advisory Group

The records of this series consist of suggestions for topics and themes to be discussed, draft agendas, contributions and background papers prepared by nations, draft reports prepared by the Chairman and various administrative matters.

Groupe consultatif de la politique atlantique

Ad Hoc Committee on Equipment Interoperability

Documents in the AC/297 chronological series report on Committee's work and its relations with the Council and the five working groups."Documents" (D) are reports (provisional or final) to the Committee from the working groups, or to the Council from the Committee.Notes (N) are organizational in nature. They prepare forthcoming meetings (planning, list of participants, agenda).Records (R) are reports on the regular meetings...

Comité ad hoc sur l’interopérabilité des matériels

Study Group on the Alliance and the Problem of Oil Supplies

The AC/288 series comprises principally a questionnaire, reports by the two sub-groups, the draft Study Group interim report, various corrigenda and amendments, and the terms of reference, programme of work, discussions and results of meetings of the Study Group.The documents concern the effects of an interruption or reductions in normal supplies on NATO's overall defence capabilities, the militaryand civil requirements for oil neces...

Groupe d’étude sur l’Alliance et le problème des approvisionnements en produits pétroliers

International Staff Documents

The main subject matters of this series concern the work at NATO Headquarters for the MBFR consultations in Vienna and the multilateral preparatory talks in Helsinki on the CSCE. Other topics such as a Swiss proposal on peaceful settlement of disputes, internal development in the Soviet Union, Sino-Soviet relations, Libyan passport policy and successive drafts of the Atlantic Relations Declaration are also included in the series. Thi...

ISD - Secrétariat international

Economic Committee - Records on trade agreements

The AC/127(EWT) chronological series consists of records on the status of the trade negotiations and trade agreements signed between the NATO member nations and the countries of the Soviet bloc.

Comité économique - Les echanges commerciaux entre l'est et l'ouest

Nuclear Planning Group

The NPG series records contain information about all aspects of nuclear issues that were of concern to NATO. From the outset, meetingsof the NPG generally included discussions about issues related to strategic and tactical nuclear forces, anti-ballistic missiles, atomic demolition munitions and the deployment of nuclear weapons and forces in Europe, including arrangements with host countries. The list of subjects discussed by the com...

Groupe des plans nucléaires

Economic Committee

The documents in the AC/127 series include reports and studies on economic problems specific to the NATO nations (eg: Greece, Turkey, Iceland), as well as economic studies and critical analyses of the Warsaw Pact nations. They contain information on the oil policy of the USSR, oil and oil product exports by the Soviet Union (1966), the construction of pipelines, the transport of petroleum in the USSR (1974), and data on Soviet energy...

Comité économique - Les echanges commerciaux entre l'est et l'ouest

Committee on Information and Cultural Relations

Records in the AC/52 series include notes from Member country delegations on their exchanges with the satellite countries, intelligence on the fight against Communist propaganda in the Member countries, and information about NATO’s overall information policy and the cultural links between Member countries. The series also includes information about the structure and operation of various countries’ information services and about UNESC...

Comité de l’information et des relations culturelles

Conference of National Information Officers

The AC/124 chronological series contains the records of the fourth, fifth and sixth conferences plus the records of the conferences that took place after 1968.The documents deal firstly with NATO’s information policy and provide information about the Alliance’s information programme, the growth of the NATO Information Service and the relations with Member countries. Information distribution is also addressed, as are the guidelines on...

Conférence des chefs des services nationaux d'information


This series includes draft papers for submission to the Political Committee, draft reports of the various expert working groups and more generally preparatory work for the Political Committee as well as contributions by delegations.For the period 1973-1974, the documents include the Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions discussions in Vienna, national contributions on Soviet relations with the West, Sino-Soviet relations, a Swiss prop...

Président et le secrétaire du Comité politique

Committee on the Implementation of the NATO Alert System

The documents of the AC/290 chronological series mainly address the working methods of the Committee on the Implementation of the NATO Alert System. However, the options of the various alert systems and how to optimize their use are also covered extensively, as is emergency planning.

Comité sur l’application du système d’alerte OTAN

Central Europe Pipeline Policy Committee

The records in the AC/120 series deal with issues pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the Central Europe Pipeline System. In it can be found the charter of the Central Europe Pipeline Office (CEPO) and the Central Europe Operating Agency (CEOA), the terms and conditions of employment and the status of personnel in the national pipeline offices and divisions, information on linefills, budgetary issues and transportation cos...

Comité de gestion Centre-Europe des pipelines

Nuclear Defence Affairs Committee

The NDAC series records contain information about all aspects of nuclear issues that were of concern to NATO. Many of the records comment on or directly reflect the work of the NPG. This includes discussions about issues related to strategic and tactical nuclear forces, anti-ballistic missiles, atomic demolition munitions, the deployment of nuclear weapons and forces in Europe, and arrangements with host countries. The NDAC records a...

Comité des questions de défense nucléaire

Relocation Group

Documents in the AC/267 series address the measures taken by the Relocation Group regarding the Conversion of Evere into a Permanent Headquarters, based on the instructions of the Council. The series contains: Documents which discuss building requirements (with respect to additional buildings, modifications and supplementary facilities, and embellishments) including visual representation of proposed works, Decision Sheets noting the ...

Groupe sur le transfert

Study Group on Financial Problems Arising from the Stationing of Forces on the Territory of Other NATO Countries

The Study Group collated relevant background data and set out the possible options whereby other members of the Alliance might relieve the US burden, and more specifically bilateral negotiations between the US and Germany.

Groupe d’étude sur les problèmes financiers créés par le stationnement de forces sur le territoire d'autres pays OTAN

Sub-Committee on Soviet Economic Policy

The AC/89 chronological series consists of records on the economic development of the Soviet bloc and China. Also included are comparative studies on the long-term economic trends in the NATO countries and Communist bloc nations, and their impact on the Atlantic Alliance. This series of records also contains studies of the economic situation and trade policy of the satellite countries (Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgar...

Sous-comité sur la politique économique soviétique

Civil Protection Committee

Documents in the AC/23(CD) chronological series report on the work of the CPC and its relations with the CEPC, AC/23 and the sub-committees subordinate to it.From the administrative point of view, the work involved mainly: reports on nations' state of preparedness examination of the questionnaire for the annual review issued by the CEP Coordinating Committee selection of candidates for the bodies subordinate to the CPC and NRA organ...

Comité de la protection civile

Senior Communications-Electronics Group

Documents in the AC/260 series address the creation and scope of the Senior Communications-Electronics Group. The series contains Documents, Decision Sheets, Notes, Records and Working Papers detailing the legal, financial and technical aspects of a NATO Satellite Programme.

Groupe principal pour les télécommunications et l'électronique

Special Working Group on International Technological Co-operation

Documents in the AC/262 series address the creation and scope of the Special Working Group on International Technological Co-operation. The series contains Notes which outline the first meeting and a list of the possible participants and Working Papers which either served as a basis for discussion on the Terms of Reference agreed upon March 1st, 1967 (C-R(67)10, Item I, paragraph 49) or as Draft reports intended to be presented to th...

Groupe spécial de travail sur la coopération technologique internationale

Defence Planning Working Group

The records in the DPWG chronological series contain information on defence plans. This includes information on the defence plans (up to 1970) of member nations as regards their forces and defence budget, as well as assumptions concerning the relationship between economic development and their future defence effort. The DPWG series documents cover the structure of land, naval and air forces, as well as nuclear forces. They deal with ...

Groupe de travail des plans de défense

Committee of the Annual Review

The records in the AC/19 chronological series contain information concerning the annual review. This includes information on the defence plans (up to 1970) of member nations as regards their forces and defence budget, as well as assumptions concerning the relationship between economic development and their future defence effort. The AC/19 series documents cover the structure of land, naval and air forces, as well as nuclear forces. T...

Comité de l'examen annuel

Infrastructure Committee - Infrastructure Payments and Progress Subcommittee

The records of the AC/4(PP) chronological series supplement the documents of the Infrastructure Committee (AC/4). Although the same topics are addressed, the documents of the Infrastructure Committee’s Infrastructure Payments and Progress Subcommittee focus more on the practical aspects of projects. • Financial aspects: To start with, this includes requests for authorization to commit funds to projects, plus the authorizations themse...

Comité de l’infrastructure - Sous-comité des paiements et de l’avancement des travaux de l’infrastructure

Committee of the Annual Review - Working Group on the Annual Review Procedure

The records in the AC/39 series deal with issues involved in preparing the annual review questionnaire (questionnaire plan, proposed modifications, instructions on drafting memoranda, etc). They also include documents on the defence expenditure of member nations (summary tables of forces and defence expenditure).

Comité de l’examen annuel - Groupe de travail sur la procédure de l’examen annuel

Annual Review

The documents produced over the 15 years under consideration constitute a complete documentary history. They contain the material necessary to carry out a comprehensive study of the defence effort by the Alliance nations.The Annual Review series contains questionnaires and replies by member nations, as well as analyses of the nations' replies. Also included are documents by the Committee in charge of reviewing questionnaire replies, ...

Comité de l’examen annuel

Restricted Committee of the Planning Board for Inland Surface Transport (1952-1958); Steering Group of the Planning Board for Inland Surface Transport (1958-1965)

The documents in the AC/15(SG) chronological series report on the work of the Restricted Committee, the point of view of SHAPE on decisions to be taken, and relations between the Restricted Committee and bodies subordinate to the PBEIST, in particular the three regional committees (North, Centre and South Europe) and the seven working groups. These are administrative documents. In its (D) and meeting records (R), the Restricted Commi...

Comité restreint du Bureau d'étude des transports intérieurs de surface

Infrastructure Committee

The documents in the AC/4 chronological series present all the aspects of NATO infrastructure: • Infrastructure programmes: The NATO infrastructure slices were discussed, at their beginning and throughout their completion, in the Committee. Progress on the projects was analysed, status reports were produced and administrative procedures were followed. The International Staff issued reports on the infrastructure slices under way. New ...

Comité de l’infrastructure

Science Committee Study Group on the Von Karman Institute

Documents in the AC/137(VKI) chronological series address the working method for assessing the Institute and the minutes of the meeting on 5-7 August 1965. At that meeting, the Institute’s services to the NATO community and the direction to give its work were discussed.

Comité scientifique - Groupe d’étude sur l’Institut von Karman

NATO Pipeline Committee

The records in the AC/112 series deal with the following subjects: general organization of the NATO Pipeline System; financial responsibility for its operation and maintenance; matters involving taxes and customs duties; linefills; pipeline safety; transportation and distribution of POL products in wartime; requests for civilian use of pipeline segments; terms and conditions of service; status of personnel, etc. Also contained in the...

Comité OTAN des pipelines

Science Committee

Documents in the AC/137 chronological series address the various fields of scientific research. The series includes documents on research training opportunities (research grants being awarded, student exchanges within NATO) and scientific cooperation among NATO nations,in particular through the exchange of scientific intelligence and the coordination of civil and military research. The fields studied are oceanography, meteorology, de...

Comité scientifique

Expert Working Group on Manpower

The documents in the AC/36(M) chronological series contain activity reports, annual reviews and reports on the issue of manpower. Various questionnaires were sent to the member countries. The replies to the questionnaire on manpower mobilization in the armed forces and civil defence services (see AC/36-D/32) have been kept. Another questionnaire on the same topic was issued to supplement the first (see AC/36(M)D/5). There are also qu...

Groupe de travail d’experts sur la main d’œuvre

Science Committee Defence Research Directors

The AC/137(DR) chronological series contains documents on defence research and ways of enhancing the effectiveness of the solutions available.These documents have two references, AC/137(DR) and AC/74(DR), to indicate the twofold commitment to defence and to research.At the first meeting, the following research topics were suggested: ground- and sea-based equipment, hydrodynamics, applied research, fundamental research and operational...

Comité scientifique - Directeurs de la recherche pour la défense

Working Group on Economic Counter-Measures

The AC/202 series records contain information on measures involving civil aviation, the total embargo, partial economic counter-measures, assistance and co-operation between member states and the impact of these economic measures on the member states.

Groupe de travail sur les contre-mesures économiques

Long Term Planning for the 1960’s (Ten Years Plans)

TYP series consist of 36 records mainly containing memoranda from the Secretary General and national contributions from Delegations with recommendations and comments on the four main items of the Long-Term Planning Report for the 1960’s: Political Consultation, The Competence and Objectives of NATO in the Economic Field, Psychological Action and Emergency Planning.

Rapport sur les plans à long terme pour les années soixante

Economic Committee - Ad Hoc Study Group on Soviet Oil Policy

The AC/127(O) chronological series consists of draft reports to the Economic Committee. They include information on oil exports bythe Sino-Soviet bloc, the impact on world markets of Soviet oil and its consequences for the NATO nations, as well as information on the considerations providing a basis for member nations to frame their policy.

Comité économique - Groupe d’étude ad hoc sur la politique soviétique en matière de produits pétroliers

Science Committee Advisory Group on Space Research

Documents in the AC/137(SR) chronological series contain the list of participants at the group’s first meeting and the minutes of that meeting.Several topics were discussed: the status of national space research activities, ways of intensifying international co-operation on space research, the possibility of co-operative research between Western European countries under the science programme, and the training programme for space scie...

Comité scientifique - Groupe consultatif sur la recherche spatiale

North Atlantic Studies Committee

AC/151 series records mainly consist of documents and working papers containing proposals for studies of interest to NATO made by professors, progress reports on NATO fellows and minutes of conferences of teachers of public international law.

Comité d'études nord-atlantiques

Science Committee Advisory Panel on NATO Science Research Grants

The AC/137(RG) chronological series contains two records of meetings held on 15 February and 3 November 1960.These documents concern the NATO science research grant programme, how the grants were awarded and funded, and the choiceof programmes to support.

Comité scientifique - Commission consultative d’octroi des subventions OTAN pour la recherche scientifique

Ad Hoc Working Group on Resolution C-M(60)142

The AC/200 chronological series consists of a draft report to the Council containing information on the economic problems of Greece and Turkey and the standard of living of people in those countries.

Groupe ad hoc sur l’étude de la résolution C-M(60)142

Committee on Africa

The documents in the AC/146 series consist of draft reports by the Committee on Africa. They contain information on events occurring on the African continent, information on the communist penetration of Africa, and data on damaging repercussions for the Alliance countries.

Comité sur l’Afrique

Steering Group on Reform of the Annual Review

The records in the AC/159 series contain the draft report of the Steering Group on Reform of the Annual Review and the comments made by the Standing Group and by delegations on the preliminary draft report.

Groupe directeur sur la réforme de l’examen annuel

Science Committee Ad Hoc Working Group on the Defence Aspects of Psychology

Documents in the AC/137(DP) chronological series focus on the defence aspects of psychology. The group circulated just one document under the reference AC/137(DP), the minutes of a meeting held in Paris on 2-3 November 1959 (see AC/137(DP)R/1). This document reports on the working group’s terms of reference and research projects, and on the organization of a conference. Also mentioned are the International Congress of Psychology and ...

Comité scientifique - Groupe de travail sur les aspects psychologiques de la défense

Working Group of Production and Logistics Experts on the Conversion of American Drawings

The AC/28 chronological series includes reports on the meetings of the Working Group, in which the challenges of converting the technical drawings, including measurement and projection systems, different testing standards and symbols used to represent surface finish, were discussed. The series also includes summaries of recommendations made by the Working Group, in addition to memorandums on imperial to metric conversion scales. Thou...

Groupe de travail des experts de production et logistique sur l'adaptation des dessins américains

Résultats 1 à 100 sur 11615