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Distribution of necessary documents from previous discussion relating to the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance
Distribution of necessary documents from previous discussion relating to the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance
DJV(67)2. Summary report from Mrs. D. Vincent, of the Economics and Finance Division, of the meeting of Sub-group 3 on 18th May. (19 May 1967) ENG 1
Documents on first meeting of Sub-group 2 on 17 April 1967
Documents on first meeting of Sub-group 2 on 17 April 1967
Documents on the third meeting of Sub-group 2. NOTE: This section should be placed between section 5 and 6 in volume 5 as the document should be dated 5 May 1967 and not 5 April as mistakenly indicated
Documents on the third meeting of Sub-group 2. NOTE: This section should be placed between section 5 and 6 in volume 5 as the document should be dated 5 May 1967 and not 5 April as mistakenly indicated
DPA/67/111. Political Affairs Division. Draft of a letter from the Secretary General asking delegations to bring to the special group’s attention any speeches, parliamentary reports or articles from qualified authors on the future tasks of the Alliance. (
DPA/67/118, 121 and 122. Political Affairs Division, Letter to Mr. Spaak from J. Jaenicke on the problem of balance within the Atlantic Alliance in the 1970’s brought out during APAG meeting. (8 May 1967) ENG 1
DPA/67/123. Political Affairs Division. Memorandum to Secretary General explaining the Future Tasks of the Alliance, the work performed by the group and the work performed by the sub-groups. (9 May 1967) ENG 1
DPA/67/130. Political Affairs Division. Cover note to the digest for the use of the Special Group. (12 May 1967) ENG 1
DPA/67/218. Political Affairs Division. Memo from the Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs to the Secretary General on Future Tasks of the Alliance: Study of the issues in the Harmel Exercise. (20 October 1967) ENG 1
DPA/67/91. Political Affairs Division. Memorandum from ASG Political Affairs to the Secretary General on the present status and organization of sub-groups and participants (10 April 1967) ENG 1
DPA/67/95. Political Affairs Division, brief for the Chairman on the Council Meeting on 12 April 1967. (12 April 1967) ENG 1
DPA(67)138. Political Affairs Division. Memo from Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs to the Financial Controller on the mission to Washington and Ottawa (26 May 1967) ENG 1
DPA(67)142. Political Affairs Division. US proposal to Secretary General for new wording of paragraph 11 of draft interim report. (29 May 1967) ENG 1
DPA(67)142. Political Affairs Division. US proposal to Secretary General for new wording of paragraph 11 of draft interim report. (29 May 1967) ENG 1
DPA(67)159. Political Affairs Division. Memorandum to the Secretary General from the Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs on the Future Task of the Alliance and the schedule of work for the four sub-groups. (12 July 1967) ENG 1
DPA(67)163. Political Affairs Division. Report from the Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs to the Secretary General on the analysis of tendencies revealed in the discussion of Permanent Representatives on 12th July 1967. (18 July 1967) ENG
DPA(67)166. Political Affairs Division. Report to the Secretary General from the Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs on the Future Tasks of the Alliance and the future procedure. (19 July 1967) ENG 1
DPA(67)169. Political Affairs Division. Notes by the Assistant Secretary General (Political Affairs) on the Atlantic Policy Advisory Group, committees of experts from capitals and POLADS. (20 July 1967) ENG 1
DPA(67)192. Political Affaires Division. Distribution of reports by rapporteurs to Political Affairs Division. (15 and 19 September 1967) FRE 1
DPA(67)206. Political Affairs Division. Analysis from the Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs to the Secretary General of the reports to be submitted by the rapporteurs of the sub-groups of the Special Group . (2 October 1967) ENG 1
DPA(67)207. Political Affairs Division. Summary from the Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs to the Secretary General on the different matters which have been dealt with in each of the four reports on the Future Tasks of the Alliance (2 Octo
DPA(67)213. Political Affairs Division. Record of meeting between the Secretary General and the German Foreign Minister at the Foreign Office, Bonn. (9 October 1967) ENG 1
Draft for the Chairman’s speech in the meeting of the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance on 17 April 1967, reviewing the work done so far and assessing the work to be done before the ministerial meeting of June 1967. (12 April 1967) ENG 1
Draft memorandum from Mr. van Campen, special advisor for policy planning, to Secretary General on the principal elements, up to that date, of talks on the resolution on the future tasks of NATO. (31 January 1967) ENG 1
Draft of Introductory remarks by the Secretary General for the meeting of Tuesday, 7th November 1967. (November 1967) ENG 1
Draft of the Secretary General’s speech for the first meeting of the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance on 6 March 1967. (2 March 1967) ENG 1
Draft Paper. Analysis of tendencies revealed in the discussion of Permanent Representatives on 12th July, 1967. (17 July 1967) ENG 1
Draft passage for the Ministerial Communique Relative to the Exercise of the Future Tasks of the Alliance (17 May 1967) ENG 1
Draft Progress Report of the Council to Ministers Meeting at Luxembourg Relative to the Exercise on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (17 May 1967) ENG 1
Draft record of the meeting in Secretary General’s office on the issues and workload distribution regarding the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (25 February 1967) ENG 1
Draft Report by F.D. Kohler, rapporteur sub-group 3, The Future Security Policy of the Alliance. (1 September 1967) ENG 1
Draft Report by F.D. Kohler, rapporteur sub-group 3, The Future Security Policy of the Alliance. (1 September 1967) FRE 1
Draft report by Mr. Spaak, rapporteur of Sub-group 2, The Ideological Foundation and Unity of the Alliance. (19 September 1967) FRE 1
Draft report by Mr. Spaak, rapporteur of Sub-group 2, The Ideological Foundation and Unity of the Alliance. Draft of final paper. (19 September 1967) ENG 1
Draft report number 3 on the Future Tasks of the Alliance for submission to the Special Group on 22nd November 1967. (14 November 1967) ENG 1
Draft working paper from ASG Political affairs for the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (8 March 1967) ENG 1
Draft working paper from the Secretary General on the working program for the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (13 March 1967) ENG 1
Draft working paper with list of points to be discussed by the high-level meeting of the Special Group. (26 October 1967) ENG 1
Draft working program from the Secretary General with his contribution to the discussions and decisions of the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (14 March 1967) ENG 1
Drafting the Paper on East-West relations, Détente and a European Settlement. Meeting of Sub-group 1 in September 1967
Drafting the Paper on East-West relations, Détente and a European Settlement. Meeting of Sub-group 1 in September 1967
ED(67)38. Mémo du Directeur des Affaires Economiques au Secrétaire général adjoint pour les Affaires Politiques : Contribution au Sous-groupe no.4 sur les tâches futures de l’Alliance. (9 May 1967) FRE 1
Executive Secretariat. Memorandum from R. D. Coleridge, Executive Secretary, discussing the creation of a Special Group to carry out the mandate of the resolution on the future tasks of the Alliance (16 February 1967) FRE 1
EXS(92)150. Executive Secretariat. Release of NATO Information: Corrigendum to one of the sub-group reports covered by the request for release contained in PO(92)105. (2 July 1992) BIL 1
F 12032/67. Statement by the Netherlands Representative on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (November 1967) ENG 1
F/7249/67. Draft new section by the rapporteur to the members of the sub-group 2 on “Reflections on the Rôle of NATO in World Affairs” (23 June 1967) ENG 1
F/7250/67. Memo from the rapporteur to the members of Sub-group 4 with suggestions for improving the political consultation in NATO.. (23 June 1967) ENG 1
FCM/67/105. Memo from Fritz. C. Menne appointing Mr. de Burlet acting Secretary of the Special Group for the Future Tasks of the Alliance during the month of July 1967. (27 June 1967) ENG 1
FCM/67/109. Letter from F. C. Menne, Deputy Executive Secretary on the handing out of Canadian Secretary of State statement. (4 August 1967) ENG 1
FCM/67/150. F.C. Menne, Deputy Executive Secretary. Discussion on the coming date for the next round of discussions by Sub-group 2. (11 September 1967) ENG 1
FCM/67/166. Letter from F.C. Menne to Minister Spaak on the possible absence of Icelandic Representative for the meeting on the 26th September. (22 September 1967) FRE 1
FCM/67/64. Memorandum from F.C. Menne outlining the work program for the upcoming round of discussion by the 4 sub-groups of the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (19 April1967) ENG 1
FCM/67/76. Memorandum from F.C. Menne suggesting a change of date for the meeting of the 5 rapporteurs and of Sub-group 3. (5 May 1967) ENG 1
FCM/67/76. Note from F.C. Menne, Deputy Executive Secretary, on a change of dates for the next meeting of Sub-group 3. (5 May 1967) ENG 1
FCM/67/77. Memorandum confirming the change of date for the meeting of the 5 rapporteurs. (8 May 1967) ENG 1
FCM/67/89. Response from Mr. Menne to the US Delegation on their letter of 24th May regarding dates of next meeting. (31 May 1967) ENG 1
FCM(67)228. Letter from Deputy executive Secretary to Assistant Secretary General, Political Affairs, attaching full bracketed versions from paragraph 10 of the Harmel Report (C-M(67)74). (6 December 1967) ENG+FRE 1
FCM(67)82. Memo from F.C. Menne, Deputy Executive Secretary to Mr. C. Chapman Redrafting the interim report to Ministers on Future Tasks of the Alliance (22 May 1967) ENG 1
FCM(67)84. Memo from F.C. Menne to Mr. C. Chapman on redraft of interim report to ministers on Future Tasks of the Alliance. (24 May 1967) ENG 1
Final draft of Memorandum from Mr. van Campen, special advisor for policy planning, to Secretary General on the principal elements, up to that date, of talks on the resolution on the future tasks of NATO. (9 February 1967) ENG
Final Draft Report by F.D. Kohler, rapporteur Sub-group 3, The Future Security Policy of the Alliance. (25 September 1967) ENG 1
Final Draft Report by F.D. Kohler, rapporteur Sub-group 3, The Future Security Policy of the Alliance. (6 October 1967) ENG 1
Final Draft Report by rapporteur Sub-group 3
Final Draft Report by rapporteur Sub-group 3
Final report by Sub-group 2 on inter-allied relations
Final report by Sub-group 2 on inter-allied relations
First draft, opening statement by the Secretary General at the first Council meeting on the future tasks of the Alliance. (13 February 1967) ENG 1
First meeting of Sub-group 3 on 18 April 1967
First meeting of Sub-group 3 on 18 April 1967
First meeting of Sub-group 4 “Developments in Regions outside the NATO area” held on 18 April 1967
First meeting of Sub-group 4 “Developments in Regions outside the NATO area” held on 18 April 1967
Fourth meeting of Sub-Group 4 held on 14 September, 1967
Fourth meeting of Sub-Group 4 held on 14 September, 1967
FPD(67)20. Force Planning Directorate. Note on rôle of tactical military power in the future of the Alliance. (12 May 1967) ENG 1
GAS/67/40. Political Affairs Division, General Affairs Section. Brief for the Chairman on the meeting of the Special Group on 17 April 1967, reviewing the work done so far and assessing the work to be done before the ministerial meeting of June 1967. (14
GAS/67/45. Political Affairs Division, General Affairs Section. Summary of the first meeting of Sub-group 1 on the 18 April. (20 April 1967) ENG 1
GAS/67/56. Political Affairs Division, General Affairs Section. Summary of the second meeting of Sub-group 1, held 11 May 1967. (16 May 1967) ENG 1
GAS/67/96. Political Affairs Division, General Affairs section. Summary of sub-group 1 meeting on 19 September. (19 September 1967) ENG 1
GAS(67)41. Political Affairs Division, General Affairs Section. Draft letter and questionnaire to rapporteur of Sub-group one (East-West relations). (18 April 1967) ENG 1
GAS(67)66. Political Affairs Division, General Affairs Section. Note to the Secretary General enclosing German note on Professor Blishchenko article on European security. (27 June 1967) ENG 1
GAS(67)74. Political Affairs Division General Affairs Section. Memorandum to Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs from C.A. Chapman on his meeting with the Secretary General (11 July 1967) ENG 1
GAS(67)95. Political Affairs Division, General Affairs Section. Future work programme of the Council for the exercise on the Future Tasks of the Alliance (18 September 1967) ENG 1
German and United Kingdom Delegation. Mr. Schütz and Mr. Watson draft report on East-West relations, Détente and a European settlement for the use of Sub-group 1. (11 September 1967) ENG 1
Icelandic Delegation. Letter from H. Björnsson, Permanent Representative Icelandic Delegation, to the Secretary General replying to his query in PO/67/132 (28 February 1967) ENG 1
II A 3-86.60/1-636/67 VSV. German Delegation. Letter from the State Secretary of Foreign Affairs to the Secretary General detailing Germany’s input to the Sub-group’s work. (8 June 1967) ENG 1
Initial considerations on the substance of the study to be carried out and the procedure to be followed
Initial considerations on the substance of the study to be carried out and the procedure to be followed
Interim Report of the Council to Ministers Meeting at Luxembourg Relative to the Studies on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (19 May 1967) ENG 1
Interim Report to June 1967 Ministerial meeting in Luxembourg and further discussions. (May 1967 – November 1967)
Interim Report to June 1967 Ministerial meeting in Luxembourg and further discussions. (May 1967 – November 1967)
Interim Report to Ministers in Luxembourg, June 1967, prepared by the Special Group
Interim Report to Ministers in Luxembourg, June 1967, prepared by the Special Group
Introduction by Mr. Harmel, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, highlighting his plans for the implementation of the Council’s resolution on the future tasks of the Alliance. (15 February 1967) FRE 1
IS/67/119. Note from the secretary of Sub-group 2 informing US Representative Counsellor Bowie will not be attending the meetings of Sub-group 2 over the 2nd to the 4th July. (28 June 1967) FRE 1
IS/67/124. Note from the secretary of Sub-group 2, on the fifth meeting of the Group on 4 July. (5 July 1967) FRE 1
IS/67/149. Secretary for Sub-group 2. Notice to the representatives on a change of meeting date, from the 9-10 of October to the 2-3 October. (5 September 1967) FRE 1
IS/67/154. Secretary of Sub-group 2. Notice to the representatives on a change of meeting date, from 9-10th of October to 29th September. (8 September 1967) FRE 1
IS/67/160. Report by the Secretary of Sub-group 2 on the comments made after the draft report on the Ideological Foundation and Unity of the Alliance, just after the meeting on the 26th September. (29 September 1967) FRE 1
IS/67/60. Summary record by the Secretary of sub-group one of the first meeting of the Sub-group. (18 April 1967) FRE 1