NATO Council meeting on 15 December 1966. Extract on the reasons for Mr. Harmel’s proposal being accepted. (27 January 1967) BIL
NATO Council meeting on 11 January 1967. Extracts on the preliminary discussions regarding the resolution on the future tasks of the Alliance. (19 January 1967) BIL 1
Political Affairs Division, General Affairs Section. Memorandum from Christian Chapman to the Secretary General on his preliminary thoughts on the resolution on the future tasks of NATO. (13 January 1967) ENG 1
Minutes from a meeting of the Secretary General and selected members of the International Staff concerning the Belgian government’s initial ideas for the procedures relating to the resolution on the future tasks of NATO. (16 January 1967) ENG 1
Minutes on a meeting between the Secretary General and selected members of the International Staff on further procedures relating to the resolution on the future tasks of NATO. (20 January 1967) ENG 1
Mr. Baccetti, director of Private Office. Contribution on the resolution on future tasks of the Alliance. (17 January 1967) ENG 1
Political Affairs Division Research Section. Memorandum from W.M. Newton to the ASG Political Affairs on reasons and circumstances leading to the signature of the North Atlantic Treaty. (19 January 1967) ENG 1
Second draft of Memorandum from Mr. van Campen, special advisor for policy planning, to Secretary General on the principal elements, up to that date, of talks on the resolution on the future tasks of NATO. (8 February 1967) ENG
Memo by Permanent Representative Bernard Burrows to the Secretary General putting forth his ideas for the resolution on the future tasks of the Alliance. (10 February 1967) ENG 1
Introduction by Mr. Harmel, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, highlighting his plans for the implementation of the Council’s resolution on the future tasks of the Alliance. (15 February 1967) FRE 1
Council Verbatim Record of Council Meeting on 15 February 1967 containing discussion on the resolution on the future tasks of the Alliance. (15 February 1967) ENG+FRE 1
NATO Council meeting on the 22 February 1967. Decisions on procedure about the future tasks of the Alliance. (1 March 1967) BIL 1
Council memorandum outlining decisions made on the procedure on future tasks of the Alliance: creation of a Special Group to report on the future tasks of the Alliance (24 February 1967) BIL 1
Letter from R. Busch, Permanent Representative, to Secretary General replying to his query in PO/67/132 (3 March 1967) ENG 1
PO/67/133. Private Office. Memorandum by the Secretary General to the Permanent Representatives, summarizing the topics proposed for the analysis, tasks and conclusions stages during the previous Council meeting on 15 February. (27 February 1967) BIL 1
Draft working paper from ASG Political affairs for the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (8 March 1967) ENG 1
Memorandum from F. Menne to the Secretary General with summary record of the meeting on the 22 March discussing the countries queries on the work program. (23 March 1967) FRE 1
Minutes of a private meeting of Permanent Representatives, chaired by the Deputy Secretary General. (23 March 1967) ENG 1
C-R(67)17. NATO Council meeting on 12 April 1967. Extract on a possible press release. (26 April 1967) BIL 1
Press Release (67) 3. NATO Press release outlining the subjects studied by the four sub-groups of the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance, and their members. (13 April 1967) BIL 1
FCM/67/77. Memorandum confirming the change of date for the meeting of the 5 rapporteurs. (8 May 1967) ENG 1
DPA/67/111. Political Affairs Division. Draft of a letter from the Secretary General asking delegations to bring to the special group’s attention any speeches, parliamentary reports or articles from qualified authors on the future tasks of the Alliance. (
DPA/67/118, 121 and 122. Political Affairs Division, Letter to Mr. Spaak from J. Jaenicke on the problem of balance within the Atlantic Alliance in the 1970’s brought out during APAG meeting. (8 May 1967) ENG 1
FCM/67/109. Letter from F. C. Menne, Deputy Executive Secretary on the handing out of Canadian Secretary of State statement. (4 August 1967) ENG 1
United Kingdom Delegation. Preliminary contribution by British rapporteur Mr. Watson to the meeting of Sub-group 1 on 17 April. (14 April 1967) ENG 1
GAS/67/45. Political Affairs Division, General Affairs Section. Summary of the first meeting of Sub-group 1 on the 18 April. (20 April 1967) ENG 1
GAS(67)66. Political Affairs Division, General Affairs Section. Note to the Secretary General enclosing German note on Professor Blishchenko article on European security. (27 June 1967) ENG 1
LLS/67/39. Summary of documentation from L. Lintall-Smith, for the third meeting of Sub-group 1. (30 June 1967) ENG 1
SC/7-2458. Turkish Delegation. Mr. Nuri Birgi’s comments in relation with paper of sub-group 1 “Political aims of the Alliance”. (7 July 1967) ENG 1
GAS/67/96. Political Affairs Division, General Affairs section. Summary of sub-group 1 meeting on 19 September. (19 September 1967) ENG 1
RS/67/109. Political Affairs Division Research Section. Report on meeting of Sub-group 1, 18 September. (20 September 1967) ENG 1
PO/67/709. Private Office. Secretary Generals comments to Mr. Watson on the work of Sub-group 1. (22 September 1967) ENG 1
British Foreign Office. Letter to Secretary General M. Brosio on his contribution to the work of Sub-group 1. (27 September 1967) ENG 1
No. 5686. Netherlands Delegation. Letter from the Dutch Deputy Permanent Representative to the British Ambassador on Dutch Ambassador statement in last meeting of Sub-group 1. (21 September 1967) ENG 1
S&A/67/46. Secretary of Sub-group 2. Summary of the second meeting of sub-group 2. (27 April 1967) FRE 1
IS/67/160. Report by the Secretary of Sub-group 2 on the comments made after the draft report on the Ideological Foundation and Unity of the Alliance, just after the meeting on the 26th September. (29 September 1967) FRE 1
AC/261-N/3. Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. Reminder for members of Sub-group 3 that its first meeting would be held 13th April 1967. (7 April 1967) BIL 1
LT(67)59. Note from L. Thiébault, secretary of Sub-group 3, on a change of dates for the next meeting of Sub-group 3. (8 May 1967) BIL 1
United States Delegation. Revised outline to Sub-group 3 regarding future defence policy. (15 May 1967) ENG 1
APH(67)150. Reply from Mr. Hockaday, acting ASG for Economics and Finance, to the American Delegation’s date proposal for next meeting. (30 May 1967) ENG 1
Final Draft Report by F.D. Kohler, rapporteur Sub-group 3, The Future Security Policy of the Alliance. (25 September 1967) ENG 1
APH/67/280. Mr. Hockaday’s summary on the meeting held in Washington from 21-22 September. (26 September 1967) ENG 1
Summary to Secretary General of the first meeting of Sub-group 4 of the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance on 18 April 1967 (19 April 1967) ENG 1
AC/261-D/2. Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. Progress Report by the Rapporteur of Sub-group 4, C.L. Patijn (12 May 1967) BIL 1
JV(67)287. Report by John Vernon on the visit by the Rapporteur to Washington D.C., Ottawa and New York, 4th-10th June, 1967. (12 June 1967) ENG. Annex: Records of meetings held during the visit. (June 1967) ENG 1
SQS(67)105 Doc. F 9525/67. Political Affairs, Special Question Section. Note by M. de Camaret to ASG Political Affairs (4 September 1967) FRE 1
Summary report of the fourth meeting of sub-group 4 to the Secretary General. (September 1967) ENG 1
Draft Progress Report of the Council to Ministers Meeting at Luxembourg Relative to the Exercise on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (17 May 1967) ENG 1
Report of the meeting of rapporteurs of Sub-Groups of the Special Group on Future Tasks of the Alliance, under the Chairmanship of the Secretary General. (19 May 1967) ENG 1
AC/261-A/2. Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. Agenda for the meeting to be held at the Permanent Headquarters Paris on Monday, 29th May, 1967. (22 May, 1967) BIL 1
No. 237 Délégation Française auprès de l’OTAN. Observations concernant la préparation du rapport intérimaire au Secrétaire Général. (22 May 1967) FRE 1
AC/261-D/3. Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. Draft interim report by the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance to the Council in ministerial session. (25 May 1967) FRE 1
DPA(67)142. Political Affairs Division. US proposal to Secretary General for new wording of paragraph 11 of draft interim report. (29 May 1967) ENG 1
C-M(67)33. Council Memorandum. Interim report by the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance to the Council in ministerial session. (30 May 1967) FRE 1
Record of the Private Meeting on 24th July 1967, of Permanent Representatives of countries furnishing Harmel exercise rapporteurs. (24 July 1967) ENG 1
DPA(67)213. Political Affairs Division. Record of meeting between the Secretary General and the German Foreign Minister at the Foreign Office, Bonn. (9 October 1967) ENG 1
Record of meeting of rapporteurs of Sub-Groups for study on Future Tasks of the Alliance. (11 October 1967) ENG 1
PO(67)770. Private Office. Projet de Synthèse des Rapports sur les Tâches Futures de l’Alliance. (18 October 1967) FRE 1
Draft working paper with list of points to be discussed by the high-level meeting of the Special Group. (26 October 1967) ENG 1
Canadian Delegation. Letter of attendance from Canadian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to Secretary General regarding the meeting of the Special Group on 7th November. (2 November 1967) ENG 1
Italian Delegation. Letter of attendance to Secretary General regarding the meeting of the Special Group on 7th November. (3 November 1967) FRE 1
Statement made by US Under Secretary Eugene Rostow on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (November 1967) ENG 1
Statement by Netherlands Representative Mr. de Ranitz on the Future Tasks of the Alliance. (7 November 1967) ENG 1
Summary of the discussion of the Special Group on 22nd November 1967 concerning the report submitted by the Secretary General. (November 1967) ENG 1
C-M(67). Draft Council Memorandum report by the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance to the Council in Ministerial Session. (24 November 1967) BIL 1
C-M(67)74. Report by the Special Group on the Future Tasks of the Alliance to the Council in ministerial session (28 November 1967) ENG 1
Portuguese Delegation. Letter to the Secretary General accepting the Italian amendments. (5 December 1967) FRE 1
Press Communique M4(67)3 Final Communique – for immediate release to the press. (14 December 1967) ENG 1
C-M(67)74 (2nd revise). Future Tasks of the Alliance. Report of the Council. (18 December 1967) FRE 1
C-M(67)74 (2nd revise). Future Tasks of the Alliance. Report of the Council. (18 December 1967) ENG 1
Private record of a meeting of Permanent Representatives held on Tuesday, 23rd January, 1968 to continue discussion on the follow-up to the Harmel Report
Summary Record of a private meeting of the Council held on Saturday, 22nd February, 1969, at 10.30 a.m.
Summary record of a private meeting of the Council held on Wednesday, 28th July, 1969, at 16.00 p.m.