Un guide pour expliquer pourquoi le Traité a été signé, le texte du Traité, le developpement de l'organisation, la structure actuelle de l'organisation, les activités de l'OTAN et les conclusions.
Un guide pour expliquer pourquoi le Traité a été signé, le texte du Traité, le developpement de l'organisation, la structure actuelle de l'organisation et les résultats de l'action de l'OTAN.
A guide book to why the treaty was signed, what the treaty says, the development of the organization, the present structure of the organization, how NATO works and conclusions.
A guide book to why the treaty was signed, what the treaty says, the development of the organization, the present structure of the organization and the achievements of NATO.
A handbook for the 50th anniversary of the Treaty, The NATO Handbook is issued by the NATO Office of Information and Press as a reference book on the Alliance and on Alliance polices.
A handbook detailing the North Atlantic Treaty, an analysis of the Treaty, the development of the alliance and its purpose and the structure of the organization.
A hand book detailing why the treaty was signed, what the treaty says, the Atlantic alliance from 1949 to 1965, the present structure of the organization and NATO's activities and achievements.
A hand book to why the treaty was signed, what the treaty says, the development of the organization, the present structure of the organization, NATO's activities and achievements and prospects for the future.
A guide and fact book which explains what the Treaty is, what the treaty does, the history of the alliance and structure and functioning of the organization.
Un manuel pour le 50ème anniversaire du Traité, Le Manuel de l'OTAN est publié par le Bureau de l'information et de la presse de l'OTAN comme ouvrage de référence sur l'Alliance et sa politique.
Un manuel qui détaile les principes de fonctionnement de l'OTAN, le rôle futur de l'alliance, l'organisation et la structure et l'OTAN et les institutions liées.
Un manuel qui détaile les politiques et procédures, organisation et la structure civiles et politique et l'association de l'OTAN avec d'autre organisations.
Un manuel pour expliquer pourquoi le Traité a été signé, le texte du Traité, l'alliance Atlantique de 1949 a 1965, la structure actuelle de l'organisation et les activités et réalisations de l'OTAN.
Un guide pour expliquer pourquoi le Traité a été signé, le texte du Traité, le developpement de l'organisation, l'historique de l'organisation, la structure actuelle de l'organisation, les activités et réalisations de l'OTAN et le bilan et les perspectives d'avenir.
Un manuel pour expliquer pourquoi le Traité a été signé, le texte du Traité, le developpement de l'organisation, la structure actuelle de l'organisation, les activités et réalisations de l'OTAN et le bilan et les perspectives d'avenir.
The handbook provides a synopsis of the history, structure and purpose of NATO and serves as a guidebook for the public at large to discover and better understand the organization and its mission.
A publication intended to serve as a guide for those who lecture on NATO and related topics. The handbook describes the history of NATO, the present structure, the achievements and further topics in greater detail
Un ouvrage destiné a servir de guide aux conférenciers qui parlent de l'OTAN et les questions connexes. La publication contient l'historique de l'OTAN, sa structure actuelles, ses réalisation et d'autre sujet en plus grand détails.
Le manuel fournit un résumé de l'historique, la structure et les fonctions de l'OTAN et sert de guide au grand publique pour mieux comprendre la mission et l'organisation.
The Handbook Series contains NATO’s official reference publications, which are used to describe the history, goals and functions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Part of a series of pamphlets on the different activities of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This pamphlet is the second edition of "Women in the Allied Forces." In this booklet This publication gives a brief description of the work of the Committee on Women in the Nato Forces and an outline of the status, organisation and general conditions of service in the women's services of the Alliance.
Part of a series of pamphlets on the different activities of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This pamphlet is the second edition of "Women in the Allied Forces." This publication is intended to give a brief description of the working of the Committee on Women in the NATO Forces and an outline of the status, organisation, and general conditions of service in the Women's Services of the Alliance.
On trouvera réunis ici tous les textes et toutes les déclarations diffusés officiellement dans le contexte du Sommet de Washington. Chacun d'eux, reproduit dans son intégralité, représente les points de vue officiels de l'Alliance et des pays ayant participé aux diverses rencontres de Washington. Le présent recueil comprend aussi un certain nombre d'autres textes, qui apportent des éléments supplémentaires d'information de caractère ...
A brochure exploring the story of NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization: why it was created, how it works, and what it is trying to achieve. A last question remains to be answered : how does this affect you?
A brochure exploring the story of NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization: why it was created, how it works, and what it is trying to achieve. A last question remains to be answered : how does this affect you?
A brochure and short story exploring the story of NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization: why it was created, how it works, and what it is trying to achieve. A last question remains to be answered : how does this affect you?
Une brochure qui passe en revue l'histoire de I'OTAN - l'Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord. Pourquoi elle a été créée, comment elle travaille et ce qu'elle vise à réaliser. Il reste à répondre à une dernière question : en quoi I'OTAN vous intéresse-t-elle directement?
Une brochure qui passe en revue l'histoire de I'OTAN - l'Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord. Pourquoi elle a été créée, comment elle travaille et ce qu'elle vise à réaliser. Il reste à répondre à une dernière question : en quoi I'OTAN vous intéresse-t-elle directement?
A report describing the future tasks, goals and strategies of NATO, including their adaptability and the vitality of the alliance. // Une rapprt sur les futures tâches, buts et strateges de l'OTAN, et la souplesse et la vitalité de l'alliance.
A report describing the future tasks, goals and strategies of NATO, including their adaptability and the vitality of the alliance. // Une rapprt sur les futures tâches, buts et strateges de l'OTAN, et la souplesse et la vitalité de l'alliance.
The Canadian edition (with a preface by Mr Donald Macdonald, Secretary-Treasurer of the Canadian Labour Congress) of a pamphlet addressed to Trade Unionists in order to examine the significance of NATO for organised labour, to bring out some of the problems of common concern to Trade Unions and to NATO, and, finally, to urge upon trade unionists the reasons for studying the future development of the Atlantic Community.
The second edition of a pamphlet addressed to Trade Unionists in order to examine the significance of NATO for organised labour, to bring out someof the problems of common concern to Trade Unions and to NATO, and, finally, to urge upon trade unionists the reasons for studying the future development of the Atlantic Community.
The first edition of a pamphlet addressed to Trade Unionists in order to examine the significance of NATO for organised labour, to bring out someof the problems of common concern to Trade Unions and to NATO, and, finally, to urge upon trade unionists the reasons for studying the future development of the Atlantic Community.
This brochure brings together all official texts and declarations issued in the context of the Washington Summit. Each of these is reproduced in its entirety and represents the formal views of the Alliance and of the countries participating in the various Washington meetings.A number of background texts are also included in this compilation. They provide additional historical information or clarification of Alliance programmes and ac...
A report on the Eurogroupe, its history, character, prospects and future activities. // Un rapport sur l'Eurogroupe, son histoire, son caractère et ses perspectives d'avenir.
A report on the Eurogroupe, its history, character, prospects and future activities. // Un rapport sur l'Eurogroupe, son histoire, son caractère et ses perspectives d'avenir.
Second edition of a pamphlet on the Eurogroup. The pamphlet gives anaccount of its development, its achievements and its current activities. The account illustrates how, in an informal and pragmatic way and with the minimum of bureaucratic apparatus, the Eurogroup has been able to make a number of substantive European contributions to the common defence.