- Your Pass to NATO 1986-1989
- Pièce
- 1986-01-01
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A pamphlet, with drawn images and photographs, explaining the goals and structure of NATO.
49879 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A pamphlet, with drawn images and photographs, explaining the goals and structure of NATO.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
Part of a series of pamphlets on the different activities of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This pamphlet is the second edition of "Women in the Allied Forces." In this booklet This publication gives a brief description of the work of the Committee on Women in the Nato Forces and an outline of the status, organisation and general conditions of service in the women's services of the Alliance.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A brochure with photographs and information on the roles of women in NATO's forces.
Women in the NATO Forces. Aspects of NATO. Women in the Allied Forces
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
Part of a series of pamphlets on the different activities of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This pamphlet is the second edition of "Women in the Allied Forces." This publication is intended to give a brief description of the working of the Committee on Women in the NATO Forces and an outline of the status, organisation, and general conditions of service in the Women's Services of the Alliance.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
Short pamphlet explaining the role of a NATO, the need for collective security and a map of NATO and the world.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A four page pamphlet explaining the role of a NATO, the NATO method, a map of NATO and the world and giving a diagram of the NATO structure.
Why NATO? 1949-1959. Written by Paul-Henri Spaak, Secretary-General of NATO
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A pamphlet written by Paul-Henri Spaak for NATO's tenth anniversary to answer the question: Why NATO?
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A four page pamphlet explaining the role of a NATO, the NATO method, a map of NATO and the world and giving a diagram of the NATO structure.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A brochure explaining basic details about NATO, such as history, policy, and members.
Western Defense: Burdensharing. The European view, Eurogroup
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A brochure on the Eurogroup and how European countries are currently contributing to security.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A visitor's guide to NATO HQ, with maps, frequently used acronyms and information on useful NATO publications.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A visitor's guide to NATO HQ, with maps, frequently used acronyms and information on useful NATO publications.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A small booklet produced for visitors of NATO HQ, with one page in Dutch.
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Report by Sub-group 4 Developments in Regions outside the NATO area (April 1967 – October 1967)
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Report by Sub-group 3 The Future Security Policy of the Alliance (April 1967 – October 1967)
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Report by Sub-group 2 Inter-Allied Relations (April 1967 – October 1967)
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Report by Sub-group 1 East – West Relations (April 1967 – November 1967)
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
National contributions to previous discussion (April 1967 – August 1967)
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Related Committee documents on the NPT
Fait partie de 08 - Non-Proliferation Treaty
Volume 3 of the collection is a curated collection of documents that were not included in the Political Affairs subject file in Volume 2. They include meeting minutes of the Political committee (AC/119). These documents were publicly disclosed as part of NATO’s yearly systematic declassification and public disclosure programme.
Dossier thématique - Traité de non-prolifération
Purposes and procedure of the Study : composition of the four sub-groups (February 1967 – May 1967)
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Political Affairs Subject File on Proliferation
Fait partie de 08 - Non-Proliferation Treaty
Volume 2 of the collection is a subject file from the Political Affairs division of the NATO International Staff. The Subject File is a collection of relevant records from multiple sources. Subject Files were used by International Staff Divisions to collect relevant information on specific issue. Documents include drafts of the Treaty, letters from Allied delegations, briefing notes and internal opinions on the Treaty process.
Dossier thématique - Traité de non-prolifération
50th Anniversary of the Harmel Report - Special Declassification
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Groupe spécial sur les tâches futures de l'Alliance
Proposal of Study by P. Harmel and initial considerations (December 1966 – February 1967)
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Summary record of private meetings of the Council “Private Records”
Fait partie de 08 - Non-Proliferation Treaty
Volume 1 of the collection highlights 31 so called “Private Records,” detailing the views of NATO Allies during informal sessions. This volume is key to understanding the high level positions of many nations on the topic of disarmament, as well as bilateral conversations between NATO members and the USSR.Many Private Records include discussion about multiple topics, not all having to do with disarmament or the NPT.
Dossier thématique - Traité de non-prolifération
Vigilance the price of liberty
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A brochure exploring the story of NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization: why it was created, how it works, and what it is trying to achieve. A last question remains to be answered : how does this affect you?
Vigilance the price of liberty
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A brochure exploring the story of NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization: why it was created, how it works, and what it is trying to achieve. A last question remains to be answered : how does this affect you?
Vigilance the price of liberty
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A brochure and short story exploring the story of NATO - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization: why it was created, how it works, and what it is trying to achieve. A last question remains to be answered : how does this affect you?
Long-Term Scientific Studies for the Standing Group NATO (Von Karman Committee)
Fait partie de 03 - Military Committee
VKC series records contain reports on the scientific studies performed on 26 different subjects to forecast the state of the art for military implementation up to 1970/75.
Études scientifiques à longue échéance pour le Groupe permanent de l'OTAN (Comité Von Karman).
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Fait partie de 07 - Future Tasks of the Alliance - “Harmel Report”
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A short brochure on NATO's Allied Command Europe (ACE).
The future tasks of the Alliance. NATO, Harmel Report
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A report describing the future tasks, goals and strategies of NATO, including their adaptability and the vitality of the alliance.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A report describing the future tasks, goals and strategies of NATO, including their adaptability and the vitality of the alliance. // Une rapprt sur les futures tâches, buts et strateges de l'OTAN, et la souplesse et la vitalité de l'alliance.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
The Canadian edition (with a preface by Mr Donald Macdonald, Secretary-Treasurer of the Canadian Labour Congress) of a pamphlet addressed to Trade Unionists in order to examine the significance of NATO for organised labour, to bring out some of the problems of common concern to Trade Unions and to NATO, and, finally, to urge upon trade unionists the reasons for studying the future development of the Atlantic Community.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
The second edition of a pamphlet addressed to Trade Unionists in order to examine the significance of NATO for organised labour, to bring out someof the problems of common concern to Trade Unions and to NATO, and, finally, to urge upon trade unionists the reasons for studying the future development of the Atlantic Community.
The Reader’s Guide to the NATO Summit in Washington 23-25 April 1999
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
This brochure brings together all official texts and declarations issued in the context of the Washington Summit. Each of these is reproduced in its entirety and represents the formal views of the Alliance and of the countries participating in the various Washington meetings.A number of background texts are also included in this compilation. They provide additional historical information or clarification of Alliance programmes and ac...
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A short brochure on NATO and it's transformation faced during the fall of the Berlin wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A facsimile of the North Atlantic Treaty.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A published survey on the science programme including awards programmes.
L’Eurogroupe. Rapport présenté par MM. Carl Damm et Philip Goodhart
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A report on the Eurogroupe, its history, character, prospects and future activities. // Un rapport sur l'Eurogroupe, son histoire, son caractère et ses perspectives d'avenir.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
This booklet describes its aims, the setting in which the Eurogroup works and its current and future programmes.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
Second edition of a pamphlet on the Eurogroup. The pamphlet gives anaccount of its development, its achievements and its current activities. The account illustrates how, in an informal and pragmatic way and with the minimum of bureaucratic apparatus, the Eurogroup has been able to make a number of substantive European contributions to the common defence.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
This booklet has set out in brief some ofthe facts and figures which demonstrate the European contribution to European peace and security.
The Atlantic Alliance and the Warsaw Pact. A Comparative Study
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A comparative report of the Warsaw Pact and the North Atlantic Treaty, including copies of the texts, a historical and structural comparison and a short bibliography.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A factsheet on NATO with member's demographics and exchange rates.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A factsheet on NATO with member's demographics and exchange rates.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A factsheet on NATO with member's demographics and exchange rates.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A factsheet on NATO with member's demographics and exchange rates.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A short explanation, including maps and statistics, of NATO and NATO countries.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A short explanation, including maps and statistics, of NATO and NATO countries.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A short explanation, including maps and statistics, of NATO and NATO countries.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A wheel spinner which describes the demographics of the 15 nations and the civil and military structure of NATO.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A wheel spinner which describes the demographics of the 15 nations and the civil and military structure of NATO.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A wheel spinner which describes the demographics of the 15 nations and the civil and military structure of NATO.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A wheel spinner which describes the demographics of the 15 nations and the civil and military structure of NATO.
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A wheel spinner which describes the demographics of the 15 nations and the civil and military structure of NATO.
The All-in-One Guide to European-Atlantic Organisations
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A short guide to the european and atlantic organisations in 1976.
Talking points on the Eurogroup
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
A short brochure on the Eurogroup's main talking points, such as aims, members, defence spending and improvements.
Long Term Planning for the 1960’s (Ten Years Plans)
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
TYP series consist of 36 records mainly containing memoranda from the Secretary General and national contributions from Delegations with recommendations and comments on the four main items of the Long-Term Planning Report for the 1960’s: Political Consultation, The Competence and Objectives of NATO in the Economic Field, Psychological Action and Emergency Planning.
Rapport sur les plans à long terme pour les années soixante
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Memoranda of the Working Group on Trends of Soviet policy
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
The TSP series documents contain notes communicated by the Member Nation Delegations. They contain information on the process of destalinization in the satellite countries, the evolution of employment in the Soviet Union during the period 1949-1956, the reactions to Khrushchev' speech in Italy, and information on the probable effects of the reduction in the Armed Forces in the Soviet Union and on relationships between Yugoslavia and ...
Groupe de travail sur les tendances de la politique soviétique
Messages of the Standing Group Secretariat
Fait partie de 03 - Military Committee
The TOSHAPs concern high-level military policies.The preserved TOSHAPs consist of: national defence policies in NATO member nations and these countries' contributions to NATO forces military exercises and training organization of the NATO high commands and SG agencies yearly force and infrastructure review and objectives appointments of senior management (in the SG or NATO command structures) referencing, classification and di...
TOSHAP - Groupe permanent
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
Fait partie de 04 - International Staff / International Secretariat
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council
Fait partie de 01 - The North Atlantic Council