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04 - International Staff / International Secretariat English
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2524 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

SHAPE and Allied Command Europe 1951-1971. Twenty years in the service of peace and security

A book written to commemoratethe twentieth anniversary of the activation on 2 April 1951 of Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) and Allied Command Europe. The book brings together articles on the history, importance and challenges of SHAPE. These articles are scheduledto appear simultaneously in a special issue of NATO's Fifteen Nations magazine devoted to the anniversary.The authors — all members of Allied Command Euro...

Report on the future tasks of the Alliance. Harmel Report / Rapport sur les futures tâches de l’Alliance. Rapport Harmel

A report describing the future tasks, goals and strategies of NATO, including their adaptability and the vitality of the alliance. // Une rapprt sur les futures tâches, buts et strateges de l'OTAN, et la souplesse et la vitalité de l'alliance.

Progress Report on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF). NATO 1983. Special Consultative Group (SCG)

A Published report on Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) created for the Special Consultative Group (SCG), which was charged with implementing the December 1979 Decision on Theater Nuclear Force Modernization andRelated Arms Control.

Results 201 to 300 of 2651