Compte rendu d’une réunion privée du Conseil tenue le lundi 28 juillet à 16 heures
- PR(69)42
- Item
- 1969-08-01
Summary record of a private meeting of the Council held on Wednesday, 9th July, 1969
- PR(69)36.1
- Item
- 1969-07-09
Record of a private meeting of the Council held on Wednesday, 5th February, 1969
- PR(69)6
- Item
- 1969-02-05
Summary record of a private meeting of the Council on 29th January, 1968
- PR(68)3-NO ANNEX
- Item
- 1968-01-29
Procès-verbal d'une réunion privée du Conseil tenue le mercredi 10 octobre 1967
- PR(67)33
- Item
- 1967-10-10
- Norwegian Delegation Letter
- Item
- 1967-03-03
- United Kingdom Delegation Letter
- Item
- 1967-03-02
- Italian Delegation Letter
- Item
- 1967-03-01
- DPA/67/…
- Item
- 1967-02-21
- RDC/67/55
- Item
- 1967-02-16
- United Kingdom Delegation Letter
- Item
- 1967-02-10
- Political Affairs Division Draft Memo
- Item
- 1967-02-09
- Political Affairs Division Memo
- Item
- 1967-02-08
- United States Delegation Letter
- Item
- 1967-02-02
- DPA/SQS/67
- Item
- 1967-01-31
- Political Affairs Division Memo
- Item
- 1967-01-31
- Private Office Memo
- Item
- 1967-01-17
- Note
- Item
- 1967-01-16
- GAS/67/5
- Item
- 1967-01-13
- RS/67/4
- Item
- 1967-01-09
Declaration to the press of the Council’s acceptance of Harmel’s proposals. (16 December 1966) BIL 1
- Press Release M3(66)3
- Item
- 1966-12-16
- 2390.D.41.8
- Item
- 1966-12-13
Private Meeting of the Council in the Office of the Secretary General, 9th June 1965
- PR(65)26.2
- Item
- 1965-06-09
Record of a private meeting of the Council held on Wednesday, 14th April, 1965 at 10.15 a.m.
- Item
- 1965-04-21