A pamphlet composed of extracts from recent speeches by M. Paul-Henri Spaak, Secretary General of NATO. It deals with some of the problems with which the free world will most probably find itself confronted in the years to come.
This declaration was approved and published by the North Atlantic Council in Ottawa on 19th June, 1974 and signed by Heads of NATO Governments in Brussels on 26th June, 1974.
A published study on deterrenceundertaken by by a group of governmental experts in pursuance of a request made by the UN General Assembly in December 1984. The study was entitled : "Deterrence : its implications for disarmament and the arms race, negotiated arms reductions, international security and other relatedmatters". Reproduced with permission from the Report of the Secretary General of the United Nations to the forty...
A booklet collecting articles from a September 1994 Economics Colloquium, looking at themes such as privatization, the defense industries of the former Soviet Union and other remarks.