FEB series mainly contain records from the meetings of the Board; documents and memoranda on national defence burdens, seaborne import requirements, armament production in Europe, aircraft production, raw and scarce materials; and notes on national defence programmes and FEB meetings.
The documents in the AC/36(M) chronological series contain activity reports, annual reviews and reports on the issue of manpower. Various questionnaires were sent to the member countries. The replies to the questionnaire on manpower mobilization in the armed forces and civil defence services (see AC/36-D/32) have been kept. Another questionnaire on the same topic was issued to supplement the first (see AC/36(M)D/5). There are also qu...
The documents of the AC/281 series are chiefly reports, studies and questionnaires produced, in the course of drafting the AD 70 report,by the Executive Working Group and its subordinate bodies, various committees and working groups, the divisions of the International Staff, the International Military Staff, member nations and commands, as well as programmes of work, discussions and results of meetingsof the Working Group.The documen...
Groupe de travail exécutif sur l’étude des problèmes de défense de l’Alliance pour les années 1970
This series is comprised of memoranda addressed to Secretaries of Delegation, and relate to questions examined in Council as well as administrative matters, including appointments of Permanent Representatives and high officials of the Organisation, and administrative arrangements for Ministerial Meeting. These memoranda also serve as cover notes for transmitting reports or letters from other political or military bodies, or from a de...
This series is comprised of memoranda addressed to Secretaries of Delegation, i.e. Council, and relate to questions examined in Council as well as administrative matters, including appointments of Permanent Representatives and high officials of the Organization, and administrative arrangements for Ministerial Meetings. These memoranda also serve as cover notes for forwarding reports or letters from other political or military bodies ...
The documents in the AC/127 series include reports and studies on economic problems specific to the NATO nations (eg: Greece, Turkey, Iceland), as well as economic studies and critical analyses of the Warsaw Pact nations. They contain information on the oil policy of the USSR, oil and oil product exports by the Soviet Union (1966), the construction of pipelines, the transport of petroleum in the USSR (1974), and data on Soviet energy...
Comité économique - Les echanges commerciaux entre l'est et l'ouest
The documents in this series reflect the participation of the DRC in the various defence planning activities of the Alliance. They include questionnaires on forces, reports on the examination of force proposals and force goals for NATO countries, country chapters, analysis of defence expenditure and resource matters. They should be examined in conjunction with the DPC and DPQ (Defence Planning Questionnaire) series.The DRC was princi...
This series consists of those records of the Defence Research Group (DRG or AC/243) between 1964 and 1989 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a wide range of scientific and technological matters studied by the Group for the purpose of providing research advice to the NAC and the Military Committee. The subjects include, but are not limited to, Nuc...
DPB series records mainly contain DPB Secretariat Memoranda including documents to be circulated from national delegations, Meeting Summary Minutes and Documents as Reports by Divisions (i.e. Production and Programs Division) and outstanding replies to questionnaires.
The records in the DPWG chronological series contain information on defence plans. This includes information on the defence plans (up to 1970) of member nations as regards their forces and defence budget, as well as assumptions concerning the relationship between economic development and their future defence effort. The DPWG series documents cover the structure of land, naval and air forces, as well as nuclear forces. They deal with ...
The documents produced over these eight years constitute full documentation which clearly highlights the various difficulties encountered by the nations as they strove to collectively satisfy the requirements expressed by the NATO military authorities in their efforts to meet the problems of shared defence together. As a consequence, the DPQ series represents a primary source for historical research, providing matter for a general st...
The documents in the AC/100 series are primarily the records of meetings on topics relating to the military defence of NATO’s territory.Several topics were discussed:A- air defenceB- the organization, dispersal and readiness of air force unitsC- the divisional organization of the land forcesD- the duties and organization of the naval forcesE- new weapons and equipmentF- problems caused by ageing equipment
Élaboration des plans de défense - discussions multilatérales
The Defence Financial and Economic Committee series consist of just one record: a verbatim record of the second meeting held in London on 29th March 1950. The verbatim record contains the discussion around the four high priority work projects undertaken by DFEC.
The Subject Series includes Directives, Proposals, Notes, Memoranda, Resolutions and Decisions by the Defence Committee created between 1949 and 1951. The Defence Committee primarily drafted these items and sent them to the North Atlantic Council, the Military Committee and the Standing Group.
The Memoranda Series is made up of Defence Committee Memoranda created between 1949 and 1951. The Defence Committee primarily drafted these items and sent them to the North Atlantic Council, the Military Committee and the Standing Group.
This Series contains a list of attendees, decisions made and a verbatim transcript for each of the four meetings held by the Defence Committee between 1949 and 1950.
An index of effective Military Committee papers. A series of 21 compilations of subjects/documents under consideration by the Standing Group (SG) and later the Military Committee.
This series consists of those records of the Conference of National Armament Directors (CNAD or AC/259) between 1967 and 19939 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a wide range of subjects across the fields of armaments, and defence research and production. As the body responsible for the three Service Armament Groups, the Defence Research Group, a...
The CEB documents consist of Notes, Memoranda, Meeting Records, Decision Sheets, Working Papers and others concerned with Communications and Electronics.
Système de consultation, de commandement et de contrôle
The AC/20 chronological series includes a Note by the Office of the Secretary General. Included in the series are responses from the delegations of the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy and the Netherlands.
The final documents of the AC/20 series are records and summaries of the meetings.
Comité d'étude sur le financement de la production aéronautique additionnelle
The documents of the AC/290 chronological series mainly address the working methods of the Committee on the Implementation of the NATO Alert System. However, the options of the various alert systems and how to optimize their use are also covered extensively, as is emergency planning.
The archives of the AC/274 chronological series report on the work of the CCMS, in particular follow-up of the various programmes supported by the Committee. Various types of administrative documents can be found there.
Records (R) are reports on the regular or plenary meetings of the CCMS. They address either general policy matters or the review of the pilot study programme over a given period. They are the committee’s reference doc...
Records in the AC/52 series include notes from Member country delegations on their exchanges with the satellite countries, intelligence on the fight against Communist propaganda in the Member countries, and information about NATO’s overall information policy and the cultural links between Member countries. The series also includes information about the structure and operation of various countries’ information services and about UNESC...
Comité de l’information et des relations culturelles
The documents in the AC/146 series consist of draft reports by the Committee on Africa. They contain information on events occurring on the African continent, information on the communist penetration of Africa, and data on damaging repercussions for the Alliance countries.
The documents of the chronological series with the reference CT deal with the situation of NATO and the Organization's past achievementsin the political, economic and military fields. A questionnaire was circulated among the member nations. Consultations were then heldwith the nations to clarify the written responses. Records of these consultations are available (see CT-R/3 to CT-R/14). At the same timeas the questionnaire, explanato...
The documents in the AC/110 series contain information on the problem of economic development in the underdeveloped countries and data on the various economic and technical aspects of the Pineau plan (e.g.: proposal to set up an agency for world economic development), as well as information on the position taken by each NATO member nation vis-à-vis the Pineau plan.
This series consists of those records created by the Committee for European Air Space Coordination (CEAC or AC/92) between 1955 and 1988 that have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme (PDD). The records relate to the joint civilian-military management of European air space and air traffic control for the conduct of NATO military exercises and manoeuvres and other measures requir...
Comité de coordination de l'espace aérien européen
The Chairman of the Standing Group produced a limited number of memoranda each year. These bore the acronym CSGM. Only memoranda dealing with an important issue or referring to an important document were kept.Some CSGM documents were reports sent twice a week by the SG Chairman to the Chairman of the Military Committee (MC). The latter was thus kept informed of the work accomplished by the SG and the Military Representatives Committe...
Personal business letters from the Chairman of the Military Committee. They included summaries of informal meeting discussions, briefings, letters of congratulations, and other topics.
The records of this series consist of suggestions for topics and themes to be discussed, draft agendas, contributions and background papers prepared by nations, draft reports prepared by the Chairman and various administrative matters.
AC/10 series documents address the topics discussed by the Committee on the North Atlantic Community, i.e. foreign policy co-ordination and discussions, closer economic, financial and social ties and co-operation on culture and information. The movement of labour is also addressed, a topic discussed during the 1952-57 period by the Working Group on Labour Mobility (AC/36).In addition, the series contains many reports presented by the...
The AC/74 series comprises chiefly studies, projects, reports, notes and corrigenda issued by Committee members and delegations, and records the outcome of Committee meetings.It deals with upholding the European production potential, industrial mobilization, standardization, armaments equipment, the creation of groups of experts or working groups and their activities.
The records in the AC/324 chronological series reflect the work undertaken under the auspices of the Archives Committee, especially in the initial development of the NATO Archives Service and development of NATO information management and public disclosure policies. The information items primarily comprise of: Archives Committee Annual Reports to the Council, draft archives policy proposals and working papers, Archives Committee meet...
The documents produced over the 15 years under consideration constitute a complete documentary history. They contain the material necessary to carry out a comprehensive study of the defence effort by the Alliance nations.The Annual Review series contains questionnaires and replies by member nations, as well as analyses of the nations' replies. Also included are documents by the Committee in charge of reviewing questionnaire replies, ...
The AC/200 chronological series consists of a draft report to the Council containing information on the economic problems of Greece and Turkey and the standard of living of people in those countries.
Groupe ad hoc sur l’étude de la résolution C-M(60)142
The records in the AC/111 series deal with subjects concerning the review of the organization of the NATO Pipeline System in the Central European area. They also contain, among other things, comments by SHAPE on France's proposals, a plan to divide up the central European area into divisions and information on the structure and functioning of the Central Europe Operating Agency.
Documents in the AC/297 chronological series report on Committee's work and its relations with the Council and the five working groups."Documents" (D) are reports (provisional or final) to the Committee from the working groups, or to the Council from the Committee.Notes (N) are organizational in nature. They prepare forthcoming meetings (planning, list of participants, agenda).Records (R) are reports on the regular meetings...
Comité ad hoc sur l’interopérabilité des matériels