The ACE fonds covers documents on the early history and development of NATO's integrated military structure and its staff through memorandums and letters. The majority of the documents originate from its headquarters, called SHAPE, though some documents pre-date the creation of ACE and SHAPE.
The documents of the SHAPE historical office center around the production of an Annual History, known as the SHAPE History. Documents from this series include the history itself and the background material (footnotes) used in its production.
This series of files consists of the records created or received by the NATO International Staff from various sources. The Register is published in several formats and updated yearly. You are free to choose from a spreadsheet and two file databases. The files are in compressed and read-only format and should be extracted before use. It is a work in progress and holds the metadata for IS, IMS and SHAPE publicly disclosed documents. Du...
The Fonds includes Directives, Proposals, Notes, Memoranda, Resolutions and Decisions by the Defence Committee created between 1949 and 1951. The Defence Committee primarily drafted these items and sent them to the North Atlantic Council, the Military Committee and the Standing Group.Other memorandum and reports were received by the Defence Committee from other NATO bodies.The Defence Committee also created and kept Agendas, Meeting ...
The Subject Series includes Directives, Proposals, Notes, Memoranda, Resolutions and Decisions by the Defence Committee created between 1949 and 1951. The Defence Committee primarily drafted these items and sent them to the North Atlantic Council, the Military Committee and the Standing Group.