The fonds of the North Atlantic Council includes the official documents, records, memorandum and notes of the Council and its subordinate Committees. Committees are created to address specific topics before reporting back to the North Atlantic Council, and in some cases can create subcommittees of their own. This fonds includes the records of the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group both which have high-level d...
Since it's first meeting, the North Atlantic Council has created a committee structure in order to support its work and goals as an organization. Usually, a committee will have a Terms of Reference that guides their work, and will in turn be able to create subcommittees and working groups. Most committees follow a pattern of reference, starting with AC/1 (Ad Hoc Committee 1), and continuing like this into the hundreds. Most comm...
The AC/1 series consists of the Conference agenda, statements and speeches given on that occasion, resolutions which were discussed and a press release.The records deal with the role of the NATO Information Service and of the various national Information Services, the information technologies and resources used to raise awareness of NATO, the nature and scope of Soviet propaganda, counter-propaganda and elements impacting on the mora...
AC/10 series documents address the topics discussed by the Committee on the North Atlantic Community, i.e. foreign policy co-ordination and discussions, closer economic, financial and social ties and co-operation on culture and information. The movement of labour is also addressed, a topic discussed during the 1952-57 period by the Working Group on Labour Mobility (AC/36).In addition, the series contains many reports presented by the...
The documents in the AC/100 series are primarily the records of meetings on topics relating to the military defence of NATO’s territory.Several topics were discussed:A- air defenceB- the organization, dispersal and readiness of air force unitsC- the divisional organization of the land forcesD- the duties and organization of the naval forcesE- new weapons and equipmentF- problems caused by ageing equipment
The documents of the AC/108 chronological series contain notes and memoranda that review, correct and amend document C-M(56)45. These amendments concern political and economic co-operation between the countries, the public’s knowledge of NATO, and NATO’s cultural activities.