Description archivistique. Affichage de 5 résultats

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Restricted Committee of the Planning Board for Inland Surface Transport (1952-1958); Steering Group of the Planning Board for Inland Surface Transport (1958-1965)

The documents in the AC/15(SG) chronological series report on the work of the Restricted Committee, the point of view of SHAPE on decisions to be taken, and relations between the Restricted Committee and bodies subordinate to the PBEIST, in particular the three regional committees (North, Centre and South Europe) and the seven working groups. These are administrative documents. In its (D) and meeting records (R), the Restricted Commi...

Comité restreint du Bureau d'étude des transports intérieurs de surface

Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport - Southern Europe Regional Sub-Committee

This sub-sub series consists of those records created by the Regional Permanent Southern Europe Sub-Committee (AC/15(SE)) between 1955 and 1989 that have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme (PDD). The records relate to road, railway, and water transportation systems in Southern Europe, including vulnerability to nuclear weapons, recovery from attack, demolition, and alternate m...

Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport - Southern Europe Regional Sub-Committee

Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport - Ports, Beaches and Inland Waterways Transport Sub-Committee (PB/IWT)

This sub-sub-series consists of those records of the Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport Sub Committee on Ports, Beaches, and Inland Waterways (AC/15(PB-IWT) between 1966 and 1988 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover a range of subjects discussed by the sub committee, including but not limited to, different types of cargo handling a...

Bureau d'étude des transports intérieurs de surface en Europe - Sous-comité permanent sur ports et plages et voies navigables intérieures (PB/IWT)

Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport - Permanent Road Transport (RT) Sub-Committee

This sub-sub-series consists of the records of the Planning Board on European Inland Surface Transport (PBEIST) Working Group on Road Transport (AC/15(RT) between 1953 and 1988 which have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records consist largely of documents and working papers covering a wide range of road transport issues, including but not limited to, standardization of...

Bureau d'étude des transports intérieurs de surface en Europe - Sous-comité permanent "Transports Routiers" (RT)

Food and Agriculture Planning Committee

This sub-sub series consists of those records of the Food and Agriculture Planning Committee between 1952 and 1989 that have been systematically declassified and disclosed through the NATO Public Disclosure Programme. The records cover supply issues, coordinating national supply data, availability of fertilizers, national and international stockpiling and storage, and the protection of foodstuffs from the effects of nuclear, chemica...

Comité d'étude pour le ravitaillement et l'agriculture