Description archivistique. Affichage de 2 résultats

NP - Division Diplomatie publique (PDD) Anglais
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1 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

NATO Non-Periodical

The Series contains collections of published articles, official speeches, posters, brochures, pamphlets, and document facsimiles.The Series topics range from general overviews of NATO, to specific topics, such as the NATO AWACS.

NP - Division Diplomatie publique (PDD)

NATO - The first 5 years 1949-1954 - by Lord Ismay, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

This survey is an attempt to relate in a concise form why the Treaty was signed, what it means, how the machinery, both civil and military, for implementing its terms has been evolved, how that machinery works and what has been accomplished in the first five years of the Alliance - from 1949 until July 1954.

NP - Division Diplomatie publique (PDD)