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Dossier thématique - Traité de non-prolifération Anglais
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08 - Non-Proliferation Treaty

  • NPT
  • Collection
  • 1963-1969

These files highlight NATO’s role and involvement in the drafting, negotiating and eventual signature of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The Treaty was opened for signature on 1 July 1968, and came into force on 5 March 1970. NATO, as an organization, is not a formal party to the Treaty but all its member states are signatories. NATO also was involved with the NPT to ensure that NATO’s existing nuclear sharing arrangements were f...

Dossier thématique - Traité de non-prolifération

Summary record of private meetings of the Council “Private Records”

Volume 1 of the collection highlights 31 so called “Private Records,” detailing the views of NATO Allies during informal sessions. This volume is key to understanding the high level positions of many nations on the topic of disarmament, as well as bilateral conversations between NATO members and the USSR.Many Private Records include discussion about multiple topics, not all having to do with disarmament or the NPT.

Dossier thématique - Traité de non-prolifération

Political Affairs Subject File on Proliferation

Volume 2 of the collection is a subject file from the Political Affairs division of the NATO International Staff. The Subject File is a collection of relevant records from multiple sources. Subject Files were used by International Staff Divisions to collect relevant information on specific issue. Documents include drafts of the Treaty, letters from Allied delegations, briefing notes and internal opinions on the Treaty process.

Dossier thématique - Traité de non-prolifération

Related Committee documents on the NPT

Volume 3 of the collection is a curated collection of documents that were not included in the Political Affairs subject file in Volume 2. They include meeting minutes of the Political committee (AC/119). These documents were publicly disclosed as part of NATO’s yearly systematic declassification and public disclosure programme.

Dossier thématique - Traité de non-prolifération