Description archivistique. Affichage de 2 résultats

04 - Personnel international / Secrétariat international Série Anglais
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NATO Publications

The PDD Series contains NATO’s official publications from the organisation’s founding until the present.The largest section of the Series includes regularly updated and published Handbooks, which were used to describe the history, goals and functions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The Fonds also includes speeches, articles, documents, brochures, pamphlets and informational guides that were collected and published by PDD.

Publications - Division Diplomatie publique (PDD)

NATO Press Releases

The Series includes a large collection of NATO Press Releases from 1961 to the Present, including official meeting notices, advisories, decisions, speeches, background information, comments, and statements made by press officers, the secretary general and ministers from NATO nations. The series also includes communiqués from the Defence Planning Group, the Eurogroup, NATO Ministerial meetings, the Special Consultative Group, the Nucl...

PR - Division Diplomatie publique (PDD)