Description archivistique. Affichage de 5 résultats

05 - Comité de défense Série Anglais
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Defence Committee Subject Files

The Subject Series includes Directives, Proposals, Notes, Memoranda, Resolutions and Decisions by the Defence Committee created between 1949 and 1951. The Defence Committee primarily drafted these items and sent them to the North Atlantic Council, the Military Committee and the Standing Group.

DC - Comité de défense

Defence Committee Memorandum

The Memoranda Series is made up of Defence Committee Memoranda created between 1949 and 1951. The Defence Committee primarily drafted these items and sent them to the North Atlantic Council, the Military Committee and the Standing Group.

DCM - Comité de défense

Defence Committee Meeting Records

This Series contains a list of attendees, decisions made and a verbatim transcript for each of the four meetings held by the Defence Committee between 1949 and 1950.

RECORD - Comité de défense

Defence Committee Agendas

The Agenda Series represents a partial collection of the agendas for the four meetings of the Defence Committee.

Agenda - Comité de défense